The ready companies can be handed over immediately to the customer, if
the customer wishes this. Generally, the same ones can be transferred in
a short time:
one to two days.
You can order the company (Ltd. or GmbH) of your choice by transmitting
your e-mail message to
Registration country - Switzerland
Price of the company - since CHF
8'000. - for Ltd.; EURO 3'000. - for GmbH

* The payment of the administrator services and the reviewing,
together with the secretariat services, is contextually carried out along with the purchase of
the company. Naturally, our companies are guaranteed free from landing charges, judicial
procedures, their substitution, protests, etc. All
documentation is legalised from a notary
public. Besides
it’s also possible to purchase a commercial enterprise or industrial concern by the
company. We
can assist in buying an enterprise, trade building, or
a workshop, which you find acceptable for you. Also we can supply you an available
plan of state social security for every sort of activity.