one can live in Switzerland
The permit
The permit L
The permit B
The permit C
The permit with the fiscal convention
As one can live in France
As one can live in Switzerland.
a foreigner can permanently living in Switzerland.
If you are not Swiss
citizen, you need a residence permit, in order to be able to live more than three months
in Switzerland, since the tourist visa does not permit a stay for more than three months.
There are various permit types and different ways to obtain them,
depending of the purpose of your residence in Switzerland.
If you
are going to Switzerland with the intention to work you must find first a
work, which should agree to a certain requirements. You must be qualified as a highly
specialised professional, both from intellectual and practical points of view.
This will give you the right for getting the Residence permit but only for a certain.
If you intend to come to
Switzerland with the purpose to found a company and to work
for CH, then usually you will not have problems related with getting the Residence Permit.
If you plan tocome to
Switzerland with the intention to study then you must then find a school, which is
suitable for your needs and make a request through this school
with the aim to get stay permission for study reasons.
In addition,
you wish to come to Switzerland an to live on an unearned income in Switzerland. If
your declared income is high enough and you intend to live in Switzerland, and therefore not only
to use this country as a fiscal and mail address, then you can
apply for the permit B, that is a permission of residence which has an annual duration
and gives you the right to live in CH during one year, and at the
same time you will be able also to pay significantly lower taxes
then in other European countries. In such case generally one foreigner should posses the
declared yearly income which is not less then CHF 150'000.-- is
able to get the Residence Permit and furthermore, in this case the tax amount is about 30%.
One of the
ways to get the Residence permit to stay in Switzerland is to marry
a Swiss citizen and to obtain in such way the stay permission immediately; after 5 years
of stay you can obtain the domicile permission and the Swiss citizenship. That is
the simplest way on condition that a proper family partner can be found.
It is useful to know
that Switzerland favours the citizens of the Western European countries, when the decision is taken about the
work permit or residence permit of Category B. One must thus decide whether
he likes to get a work permit or B-permit issues. Concerning
the case of getting the stay permission in accordance with a fiscal convention, there are no special preferences.
of permit, which is issued by Switzerland for foreigners and that our
company is also in a
position to provide you:
The first permit, what
is given to the majority of foreigners is the permit B, it
concerns a yearly permit, with a condition of being employed or of living really
in Switzerland for a sufficient period of a year.
If you
want to come to Switzerland to live on the income from a company localized to outside of Switzerland (company manager, inheriting, being a famous sportsman,
or movie-star), you can demand the so-called permit in accordance with fiscal convention, a version of the permit B that will allow you to pay
taxes in comparison with the other European countries.
If in
your country you are under suppression because of your political ideas or
ethnical affiliation, then you can request for the permit for political refugees.
if you want to come into Switzerland to work as a season worker, then you must
request for a special specialization the permit A.
Permit C
is a full time residence permit, which permits you in the further to
buy a real estate property for getting a profit, to operate and
manage an independent company. In order to obtain this
permit, you must for example to live during some years in Switzerland
(5 - 10 years depending on the case) and show yourself as a loyal
person without creating problems to the law-enforcement bodies.
The final phase is the
acquisition of the Swiss citizenship to all the effects,
which is generally granted after 12 years of residence in Switzerland.
Moreover, it is necessary to pass an examination of knowledge of the Swiss history
and culture and to demonstrate that you have already integrated
with the company where you live.
Definition of the permit
The Permit G
This is
therefore the permission for the border-workers who are those persons
who live close to the Helvetian border, at least a day-distance. This
permission gives the right to the foreign worker to live and to
work in Switzerland indepently and also to acquire shares of real estate in Switzerland. In
practice, the border-worker can enter in Switzerland on Monday morning and exit from the
country on Friday evening, without the obligatiory re-enter daily his
own country of residence. There also the right exists for changing the workplace and/or
profession without attending the relevant authorities. The right exists to spend the
night as any common Swiss citizen.
L`apertura of the frontiers to the free circulation of the
persons allows therefore also l 'esercizio of an independent
activity. L'esercizio of an independent activity must however be
demonstrated. For the rest they are worth the dispositions of
law applied to the employee workers. According to the bilateral
agreements é working independent frontaliero the citizen of a
contracting part that exercises independent un'attivitą on the
territory dell'altra contracting part and that day or to the
week returns at least once to the place of just the address of
every norm. For these persons they are worth the same
dispositions applicable to the employee workers frontalieri. The
frontaliero worker who wishes to exercise independent
un'attivitą receives one first authorization of the duration of
six months, than he allows it to start the own activity. Upon
maturity of six months it must try to exercise effectively
lucrative un'attivitą indipendente.Se does not succeed to
produce such test before the expiration, but he has the real
possibilities to obtain it, can essergli come to an agreement
one additional expiration of two months. L'iscrizione to
registry of commerce of a company characterizes them or of a
company they are a sufficient test. Quest'iscrizine is not
sufficient for the liberal profssioni (doctors, lawyers, etc.)
the artists and the musicians. Un'ulteriore tries can be the
book keeping books for how much they can demonstrate to
l'effettiva existence of un'attivitą.Qualora existed of the
dispositions of sanitary police or economic these must be
respected. The cantoni they cannot introduce restrictive or
proibitive measures for the persons who must carry the test to
exercise un' independent activity. In case the test was valid is
rilasciato a stay permission of the 5 duration of anni.Per how
much concerns l'aspetto treasurer, the independent frontalieri
is for principle taxable in the Cantoni where they exercise
their activity.
The Permit L
This permission confirms
the right to live and work in Switzerland for a short period duration, for a maximum of 364 days.
The possibility exists to change the profession and employer, but in this case it is necessary
to notify the period of the stay and the name and address within 8 days. The duration of the
permission is equal to that one of the working contract. This permission is subordinated to
the decision of the Office of the foreign labour which should consider the contingent,
the priorities of the native workers and the control of the conditions of paying wages to them.
The possibility is not given to practice an independent activity.
Permit B
The B permission is
necessary the release to them of the B permission if it wishes to work in Switzerland on
the arc of an entire year, or if it only means living of the unearned income which you
already it enjoys to the foreign country. Such allowed it is relatively easy to obtain if
it is highly specialist and its qualification is searched from the Swiss companies and
it is a deficiency of Swiss workers in this field, or is rich enough from being able
living in Switzerland without attendance from part of the State. Moreover, if deep it a
company in Switzerland that has a serious and effective activity, and that through such
company you will assume of the dependent, then you will be able to obtain the B permit
enough easy.
Permit C
This permission is the
last step before obtaining the citizenship to all the effects. It confers nearly the same
rights of the Swiss citizens, especially for whom it regards the investments in the real
estate industry. The same one comes to release, to dependency of the cases, after 5/10 years
of residence in Switzerland.
permit with the fiscal convention
The permission in accordance with the
Such Fiscal Convention is an option of the B permission and is
issued for the wheel-off people, who intend to remove to Switzerland
in order to live there and not to work for Switzerland. It must be at least understood
that they should declare at least one
million Swiss francs and an annual income is not less than 150'000 CHF.
Besides, it will be required tolive not less than 180 days in Switzerland. The
main advantage of such condition is the posibility to pay less tax
rate which does not correspond to the actual income and is any
case less then in other European
Cantonal permits |
5 years |
Permit B
new workers who must reside in the canton. Familiar reunion
and geographic and professional mobility. Exercise of an
independent activity subordinate to special
authorization. Limited contingent. |
5 years |
Permit B
For workers who can justify a job period of 30 months in
Switzerland. Familiar reunion and geographic and professional
mobility. Exercise of an independent activity subordinate to
special authorization. No contingent. |
Short duration,
less then 12 months |
Permit L
For practised activities for a maximum of 364 days, in according to
the duration of the contract. It can be renewed without to leave
the territory. Familiar reunion and geographic and professional
mobility. Limited contingent. |
Short duration,
less then 4 months |
Permit L
Mandate of short duration. Familiar reunion and geographic and
professional mobility. No contingent. |
Short duration, maximum 90
days for year |
Permit L
For employer of services of individual title or for an enterprise. It allows the search employment , the
treatment or the medical cures. Familiar reunion and geographic
and professional mobility. No contingent. |
5 years |
Permit G
For workers domiciled in border-worker zones. Possibility to
acquire a secondary residence on the entire Swiss territory.
Weekly return is obligatory. Freedom to work and to live on the
Swiss territory. No contingent. |
Cantonal permits |
yearly |
Permit B |
For workers who must reside in the canton. Annual renew.
Authorized familiar reunion. Geographic and professional
mobility subordinate to authorization. Limited contingent. |
Maximum 12 months |
Permit L |
For specific mandates, in according to the duration of the
contract. Limited contingent. |
Maximum 4 months |
Permit L |
For specific mandates, in according to the duration of the
contract. Familiar reunion and movement not authorized. Limited contingent. |
120 days
consecutives |
Permit L |
For specific mandates. Familiar reunion and movement not
authorized. No contingent. |
As one can live in France
Our company can formalize all necessary
procedures which allow the obtaining of the stay and work permit in France. We
collaborate with a number of French firms of attorney which have a
long-time experience in this matter. The procedure for getting the permit takes
only few months and is fulfilled by our company with the support of our French partners.
We can assist in getting the French stay permission,
both for business men and for the private people and their families.
The cost of the procedure depends on the
customers needs, but normally it is about
15'000.-- Euro.
The Permit to the Seychelles
our company it able to introduce the application in order to obtain the
resident permit for the the Seychelles Islands. The procedure is quite
quickly and the costs are competitive. Contact us in order to
receive more informations.